Prince Edward County Community Care for Seniors Association
Mission: To assist older adults to live in a home environment in reasonable independence.
Community Care’s Seniors Luncheon Socials are held in Picton, Milford, Consecon and Wellington. Duirng the pandemic these are replaced by curbside pick up meals.
Services include:
- Active Living Programs
- Volunteer Visiting
- Telephone & Rural Route Reassurance
- Walking Program & Tai Chi
- Information & Referral
- In-Home Respite
- Home Maintenance / Homemaking
- Hot Meals on Wheels – available 5 days/week
- Footcare Clinics
- Caregiver Support Groups
- Escorted Transportation
- Free Income Tax Program
Volunteers are needed for the driving program. Volunteer drivers provide door-to-door transportation service to medical appointments and essential shopping. In most instances, the driver will remain with the client to ensure their safe arrival home.

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Photography: OneLook Productions, Daniel Vaughan, Trevor Crowe, George Fischer, Robbie Garden, Karen Palmer & members of the community
THRIVE PEC 2023 - Prince Edward County, Ontario