Picton Free Methodist Church
REAL people learning to make a REAL difference!
Picton Free Methodist Church is a multi-generational group of people who are learning to be better disciples of Christ and learning to make a difference in the world – in our families, our church, our community (Picton), our region (Prince Edward County) and the world.
We have an awesome youth group at PECFMC!
Every Wednesday night (September-May) is Youth Night and it is NEVER boring! Beginning at 5:30, our youth (grades 5-8) meet for a delicious meal, games and a Bible Study. Our youth room is equipped with a pool table, foosball, air hockey and lots of board games.
Throughout the year we make time for special events like: bowling, go-karting, rock-climbing, movie nights, camping trips, concerts, skiing, snowboarding, tobogganing and trips to the beach.
For youth in grades 9-12, our church actively supports the ministry of Youth Unlimited/YFC in Prince Edward County and we encourage high school aged young people to get involved in the many programs and events that YU/YFC offers.

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Photography: OneLook Productions, Daniel Vaughan, Trevor Crowe, George Fischer, Robbie Garden, Karen Palmer & members of the community
THRIVE PEC 2023 - Prince Edward County, Ontario