Prince Edward County Master Gardeners
We are a volunteer organization of individuals who are certified horticultural experts who provide in depth sustainable information to the general public.
We provide free advice to home gardeners at local fairs, garden shows and other events, such as: The County Garden Show, Seedy Saturday, The Milford Fair and the Seniors Fair.
We offer gardening advice through our email, which you can find in Contact Us.
We give educational talks, presentations and demonstrations around The County and provide articles on a variety of garden topics on our website. In addition, we help maintain the Heritage Gardens at Macaulay House and we also offer plants to home gardeners at our annual Plant Sale in the spring.

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Photography: OneLook Productions, Daniel Vaughan, Trevor Crowe, George Fischer, Robbie Garden, Karen Palmer & members of the community
THRIVE PEC 2023 - Prince Edward County, Ontario